
Ultrasonic cleaning

Descaling is a medical procedure that removes plaque and tartar deposits.

Are you struggling with coloured teeth and coffee, nicotine or food stains? Would you like to prevent the occurrence of dental cavities that might lead to grave complications? Prophylaxis methods have always been the solution to guarantee oral health, and among them, ultrasonic cleaning is the most revolutionary non-invasive method that will help you have clean and healthy teeth.

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What is ultrasonic cleaning?

The best prophylaxis for maintaining dental health

Ultrasonic cleaning is the ideal method to get rid of the bacterial plaque on your teeth and under the gums, without injuring the gums or tongue, within only 20 minutes. With this method, we will manage to completely remove bacterial deposits and stimulate local blood flow. The most important advantage of this method, aside from its benefits in terms of health and hygiene, is that it is a non-invasive, non-painful, safe, and quick method.

What does ultrasonic cleaning consist of?

Ultrasonic cleaning is carried out through a series of high-frequency mechanical vibrations – which destroy the tartar deposits on the teeth and under the gums – accompanied by a jet of water that removes the remains and soothes the gums.
Despite the general impression that mechanical vibrations might be difficult to bear for the patient, ultrasonic cleaning is not a painful procedure, nor does it affect tooth enamel, as with normal dental descaling procedures.

How often should such a cleaning be performed?

If you are a smoker or have dental implants, it is advisable to have such a cleaning every for months; otherwise it should be performed once every six months.

No matter how incredible it may seem, the most efficient methods for maintaining your teeth clean and healthy are related to proper daily oral hygiene. Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, ideally after every meal, in order to ensure that your teeth are healthy and clean, use dental floss, come to the dental practice for specialized check-ups, and don’t forget about the periodical professional cleaning! 

Services provided by our team

In addition to perfect oral hygiene, prevention also includes avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and foods that harm the teeth.


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Ultrasonic scaling

Frequent questions

Why do I need professional cleaning?

Professional cleaning contributes in preventing or, in certain cases, identifying dental cavities, and may reduce the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis. It can efficiently eliminate dental plaque, which accumulates on the teeth and under the gums, where many bacteria harmful to dental health are housed.

How often should I have a professional cleaning done?

Our recommendation is to have a professional cleaning done once every six months; however, smokers are highly advised to visit their dentist once every four months.

Is professional cleaning performed under anaesthesia?

Ultrasonic cleaning is a non-invasive and non-painful method, which protects the gums and tooth enamel. Therefore you will need no anaesthesia. This intervention is recommended even for people with gum problems and those suffering from hemophilia.

Will my teeth hurt after a professional cleaning?

You may experience some dental sensitivity after a professional cleaning, but this is not a rule. If your dentist recommends it, you can use a desensitizing toothpaste, which will reduce your discomfort.



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